Completed Courses:

  • Mathematical Reasoning and Discrete Structures

  • Programing Languages

  • Algorithms

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Linear Algebra

  • Intro to CS II (Data Structures)

  • Intro to Computer Organization

  • Digital Image Processing

  • Computing and Complexity

  • Computer Vision (Spring 2021)

Level generation using random walkers

Level generation using random walkers

Computer science fuels my love for creating and problem solving. Ever since I was a kid, I loved seeing how things worked and came together. Although the fields of art and computer science can seem very different, they share a lot of similarities in my mind. Both involve a great deal of critical thinking and problem solving. A program and an art piece are puzzles that need solving, and both have a very satisfying end result when you finally do.

My personal interests include machine learning and video game development. I feel that these two fields bring your code to life in an exciting way that no other field does.